On Saturday October 2, 2010 and the first Saturday of each month thereafter, 8am-12noon, the Household Hazardous Waste outreach sites (Oro Valley at 440 W. Calle Concordia; southwest Tucson, at 1102 W. Irvington Rd.; and east Tucson at 7575 E. Speedway Blvd.) are open to collect household hazardous waste items from residents. The main Household Hazardous Waste collection site at 2440 W. Sweetwater Dr., northwest of Prince Rd. and I-10, is also open to the public on every Friday and Saturday, excluding major holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

* Note: Household Hazardous Waste monthly outreach days will also begin to accept medications in October 2010 as part of the Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative.

Volunteers are also being sought for the outreach monthly sites. Free training is provided in advance. For more information on volunteering as well as items accepted and locations, visit www.tucsonaz.gov/hhw or call (520) 690-5749.