100% Solar TriSports.com, Tucson’s very own triathlon, cycling, running and swimming gear shop, is now generating up to 100% of their electricity from solar power. The 128 kW solar electric (photovoltaic) system consists of two solar arrays mounted on custom built steel shade structures and a third array mounted on their roof. The panels will produce over 19,000 kWh per month which has the potential to cover all of the electricity the business uses. TriSports.com is the first triathlon shop to get even close to generating 100% of its electricity from solar power in the United States: they’re winning the race for sustainability.
Environmental Savings The 128 kW solar system saves 18,560 lbs of coal from being burned each month and 41,400 lbs of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Perhaps most importantly, the TriSports.com solar array will save approximately 9,280 gal of water each month as compared to
traditional electricity generation. This fact is often overlooked but is extremely significant in the Sonoran Desert where we live.
Sustainability has always been a goal of TriSports.com and solar is just the latest addition to a larger integration of sustainable practices. Seton Claggett, CEO of TriSports.com, shared this, "Three years ago I told our staff and our vendors that we would be on solar within the next 5 years, and here we are. This is a large investment for us but it is the right thing to do for our environment, our staff, our customers, our vendors and for our future generations.” TriSports.com has two large rainwater cisterns that collect and store up to 36,000 gallons of water at a time, which is then used to irrigate the landscaping. The company also made the switch to energy efficient lighting with their latest renovations, which significantly reduces their electricity consumption.
Financial Savings Not only was installing their solar system an environmentally-conscious decision, but it also makes sense from a financial standpoint. The system will offer a four and a half year payback period, a 10% rate of return, and over the first twenty years the solar system will save the company over $467,000.
Bruce Plenk, the City of Tucson’s Solar Coordinator, congratulates TriSports.com on their new solar system. "I am impressed with the foresight and leadership of Tucson businesses like TriSports.com who have chosen to be leaders in installing solar using their sunny rooftops as well as their parking areas to generate electricity, reduce our urban heat island and save their business money. This is a wonderful example that I hope other Tucson businesses will see and follow. Thanks to TriSports.com for showing the way to a solar future in our Solar America City!"
KVOA News picked up TriSport's amazing story. Watch the segment on their website.