System Specifications
System Size: 122.67 kW
Annual Production: 213,152 kWh / year
Modules: SunPower 435w (282x)
Inverter(s): SMA Tripower 30TL-US (4x)
Mount: Custom steel parking shade structure
Tilt: 10 degrees

Annual Environmental Savings
Water: 106,572 gal
CO2: 474,778 lbs
Miles not driven: 511,296 lbs

Going Solar
The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona has gone solar! The federation's new 122.67kW system, comprised of 282 SunPower 435w solar modules, will annually generate 213,152 kWh of clean electricity, helping the federation to reduce their environmental footprint while saving money and - as a bonus - provide comfortable, shaded parking to visitors.

President & CEO Stuart Mellan says:
"TFS was able so show us an environmentally-friendly approach to enhancing our campus (through covered parking) while saving dollars-- so it was a win-win-win.”

A Measurable Impact
Every year, the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona's solar energy system will help to offset nearly 500,000 lbs of CO2 from being released into the air, as well as over 100,000 gallons of water from being consumed in the creation of fossil fuel energy - an importsant conservation metric here in our Sonoran desert environment.

About the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona

"Guided by the Jewish values of Tzedakah (righteous giving), Chesed (loving kindness), and Tikkun Olam (repairing of the world), we bring the Jewish community together to help those in need and to strengthen and preserve the Jewish people at home, in Israel, and around the world."

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