Go to your portal’s website (this is based on the type of inverter you have):
SunPower: https://monitor.sunpower.com
Sunny Portal (SMA/older site): https://www.sunnyportal.com
Sunny Portal (EnnexOS/new site): https://ennexos.sunnyportal.com/login
SolarEdge: https://monitoring.solaredge.com
LG Solar: https://enervu.lg-solar.com/
Log-in using your email as the username. The email that is registered with the account is whichever you provided to TFS during your initial walkthrough. If you cannot remember which email address is registered we can look that up. Please try to keep TFS updated with your current email address.
You create and store your own password. TFS does not keep or have access to that information. If you misplace or forget your password, simply click the “Forgot Password?” button on the log-in screen to create a new one.
Each solar data monitoring portal has an app created and managed by the manufacturer. You can access these apps on both Apple or Android phones and log-in using the same information used for the website (email/password).
Because these apps and websites are created and managed by the individual manufacturer and not TFS, TFS can provide some simple troubleshooting but any issues with the website or your user account will be best directed to the tech support for each manufacturer.
Tech Support:
Sunpower: (800)786-7693
SMA: (877)697-6283
Solar Edge: https://www.solaredge.com/en/support/system-owner
LG: (888)865-3026
Enphase: (877)797-4743