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Santa Cruz River Cleanup

Help clean up litter, remove invasive plants and more on the paths and if weather allows, in the river channel north and south of Congress St. – arrive bright and early, Saturday, November 13th, 7-9 a.m. Meet at Garden of Gethsemane/Felix Lucero Park – one block west of I-10, on Bonita Ave. just north of Congress St. For more information and to sign up please contact Gene Einfrank at or 971-2348.

Solar Power 101: A Community Education Series

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, in partnership with the Pima County Public Library, will present a Solar Power 101 education meeting on Monday, November 15, 2010, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Himmel Park Branch Library, 1035 N. Treat Avenue, south of Speedway between Tucson and Country Club.  Each session of the community solar education series features different topics and guest speakers, followed by a presentation entitled, “Getting Started: Solar Power for the Home.” Space is limited for these presentations. Please RSVP by phone to: (520) 881-3588 or by email to:  More information can be found at

Solar Power 101: A Community Education Series

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, in partnership with the Pima County Public Library, will present a Solar Power 101 education meeting on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Woods Memorial Branch Library, 3455 N. 1st Ave., north of Fort Lowell Rd.  Each session of the community solar education series features different topics and guest speakers, followed by a presentation entitled, “Getting Started: Solar Power for the Home.” Space is limited for these presentations. Please RSVP by phone to: (520) 881-3588 or by email to:  More information can be found at

Master Recycler Class

Learn all about the recycling process, and how to share this information with your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers! Date: November 17, 2010 - Wednesday Time: 6:00-8:00p.m. Place: Sahuaro Girl Scout Council - Community Room 4300 E. Broadway Blvd., just east of Columbus

Please RSVP in advance, as seating is limited and to receive a certificate of completion of class.

Call Beki at (520) 791-5000 or email:

After-Thanksgiving Grease Recycling

Bring your used cooking oil to this year’s Day-After-Thanksgiving Grease Collection & Recycling Event: Friday, November 26, 2010 - 9 am to 1 pm


East – O’Reilly Chevrolet, 6160 E. Broadway Blvd. - one block west of Wilmot Road

Midtown – Sam Hughes Championship Dining, 446 North Campbell Avenue #150 - Northeast corner of Campbell  and  Sixth Street

Northwest – Pima County Industrial Wastewater Control, 5025 W. Ina Road - 1/4 mile west of I-10

South – City of Tucson, Water Plant #2, 1102 W. Irvington Road – north side of the street west of I-19,  across from McDonald’s.

The grease collected from this event will be recycled into biodiesel, a cleaner burning fuel.

Tucson Audubon/TogetherGreen Volunteer Day

The Tucson Audubon announces its next TogetherGreen Volunteer Day: Robb Wash Cleanup with the Friends of Robb Wash newly-formed group along with Tucson Clean & Beautiful, Tucson Parks & Recreation and Transportation Departments. Help us clean up around Robb Wash (a tributary of Tanque Verde Creek on Tucson's east side) on Saturday, December 4th, 8:00 a.m. - noon. These groups are working together here to increase awareness of the importance of this wash to wildlife and the to the neighborhood.

Please wear work clothes, sturdy shoes (no sandals), and a hat, and bring water. We will have tools, gloves, snacks and extra water to refill your canteen. To sign up and get directions to the work site, contact Kendall Kroesen at 971-2385 or TogetherGreen is a program of National Audubon Society funded by Toyota.

Native Clays and Plasters, Cactus Juice Etc.

Working with local and various colored clays, prickly pear pad mucilage and other vegetal binders, sand and fiber; we'll explore, hands-on (and view examples of), properties of interior and exterior plasters, durability and water resistance. Our primary plastering site will be a "cobination" horno (wood-fired oven), banco and outdoor seating area at Bean Tree Lodge. During the native foods feasting, we will focus us on additional edible offerings of soils, cactus, rainwater, and how delicious watershed stewardship and community food security can be! Jill Lorenzini and Barbara Rose will be your guides.A resource list and feast menu will be emailed after the workshop.

November 20, 2010 9:30am-12:30pm, Bean Tree Farm, 15 Miles Northwest of Tucson, Az

Workshop Sign-up Form – please copy and paste this into an email and reply to Barbara Rosa

Name: ____________________________________

Address: __________________________________

Contact Info (phone and email): _________________

~ Tell us a little about your experience and interest in local and native foods, permaculture, etc: ~ Any food preferences/allergies we should know about? And whether or not you're signing up for this workshop: ~ Add you to BTF mailing list for future workshops? ~ Other workshop suggestions you'd like to see offered in 2011?

Payment: Please send $35.00, cash or check to: Barbara Rose, 8965 North Scenic Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743.

Please make payment at least one week in advance. Class is limited to 15 and may fill quickly. Email or call to check on availability.

Directions and what-to-bring will be emailed on receipt of registration/payment.

Critical Habit: 2010 CALA Speaker Series

Critical Habit: 2010/2011 CALA Speaker Series and Colloquium

What influences our notion of practice and our work at this critical time in this critical place?

A conversion amongst local environmental and environmental design professions, UA faculty, and students which seeks to identify a durable model based on relevant criteria specific to our place.


Three Speakers will Address: Components of Eco literacy and Environmental Design: Resource and Land Use Regulations, Sustainable Water and Energy Strategies

1. David Eisenberg, Development Center for Appropriate Technology

REGULATIONS:  The Emerging Realities of Resource and Land Use Regulations

2. Brad Lancaster, Rainwater Harvesting Advocate

WATER:  Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond

3. Kevin Koch, Technicians for Sustainability

ENERGY:  Our Energy Crisis / Local Solar Power Applications


This is a free community education event


Friday November 5th 4:30 PM


Speakers Forum: 4:30 - 6:00pm: The University of Arizona -- Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME 202) 1130 N. Mountain Ave.

October’s Lecture and follow-up discussion were extremely well attended. If you want a seat come early! We will begin promptly at 4:30.

Plastic Bottle Creative Reuse Party

Thursday, Oct. 21 @ 6:30-8:30pmArmory Park Community Center 220 S. 5th Ave. Tucson AZ

In preparation for TAB's booth at US Green Build of Southern AZ's Sonoran Green Expo 2010, we will be collecting plastic bottles and making reusable products and decorative items to sell to raise funds for Tucson Arts Brigade and The Water Project: Tucson's Synergistic Water Festival!!! Got ideas? Bird feeders, fish puppets, dog house, plastic bottle robot? Bring your plastic bottles, tools, and materials (string, fabric, glue gun, scissors, sewing supplies, etc) and let's make fun plastic bottle creations!

Tucson Arts Brigade Community Meeting

Monday, September 20 @ 6-7:30pmArmory Park Community Center 220 S. 5th Avenue, Tucson (Doors on 5th Ave, btw. 12th + 13th St.)

Light snacks will be provided.

At the meeting, we will give updates on Tucson Arts Brigade (TAB) projects and sign people up to participate in interactive art tables at 5 upcoming fun festivals where TAB will have a booth:

1) HOCO Family Arts Festival:  Sun, Sept. 26 2) Barrio Centro Neighborhood Fiesta:  Sat, Oct. 2 3) Tucson Meet Yourself:  Fri-Sun, Oct. 8-10 4) 29th St. CAN Festival:  Thurs, Oct 14 5) US Green Build of Southern AZ's Sonoran Green Expo 2010:  Sat, Oct. 23

How might climate change affect Saguaro National Park?

This is an announcement for the public symposium "How might climate change affect Saguaro National Park?", which will be held on Saturday, October 2, from 9-4:30 at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. The symposium will feature more than a dozen speakers, including long-time saguaro researchers such as Ray Turner and Tom Orum, as well as presentations on birds, buffelgrass, reptiles, plants, archeology, and other topics. Two keynote speakers, Jonathan Overpeck, Co-Director of the Institute of the Environment at UA and Travis Huxman, Director of Biosphere 2, will speak about global and regional climate change.

The event is sponsored by the park, the Desert Southwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, University of Arizona, Friends of Saguaro, and the Desert Museum.

The Symposium is free of charge, but The Desert Museum is requesting that all attendees register in advance by calling the RMD Visitor Center at 733-5153. Space is limited.

For more information, please email Cori Dolan at

Sonoran Green Expo 2010: Quenching Southern Arizona's Thirst for Sustainability

Time: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Location: M3, 2051 W Sunset Rd., Tucson, AZ 85704

Is your sustainable business, non-profit organization, or governmental entity interested in exhibiting at the Expo? Exhibitor Information Packets and Applications are available now.

The U.S. Green Building Council Southern Arizona Branch's third annual vendor fair is growing up, with a new name, new location, weekend date, nearly 60 exhibitors, and longer hours! Tucsonan Jerry Yudelson, internationally-acclaimed engineer, author, and sustainability consultant, will be the keynote speaker.

Expo Admission: Free and open to the public; Keynote Presentation: Free and open to the public, audience limited to 100 persons; Public Sustainability Workshops: Free, with limited seating;

Professional Sustainability Workshops: Additional information available soon; Green Home Tour: Pricing to be determined, reservations required. Additional information available soon.

For more information contact: Tina Moreno, (520) 235-7888 or

Electronics Recycling

Tucson Clean & Beautiful, in partnership with American Retroworks, Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, Cartridge World Tucson, Bookmans, and Foothills Mall - will host an electronics recycling event. Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 8am-1pm

Location: Foothills Mall west parking lot, 7475 N. La Cholla Blvd. (directly west of AMC Loews Foothills 15 Theatres, and south of Wal-Mart)

There is a $10 disposal fee per TV (working, or non-working), and $5 per computer monitor unless accompanied by a computer tower. Recycling fee waivers are available for Sony televisions. No recycling fee for other small electronic items. This event will also accept any outdated or nonworking photovoltaic items (solar electrical cells).

Recycle your old computers, monitors, electronics, microwaves, cell phones, printer cartridges, small appliances and TVs! Large household appliances are not accepted for recycling through this program. Keep electronic waste out of the landfill! For more information on this event and ongoing options for electronics recycling, call (520) 791-5000 or email

Tucson Clean & Beautiful – 25th Anniversary & Annual Meeting, Dinner & Concert

Location: Z Mansion, 288 N. Church Ave. When: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Catered buffet dinner from Rincon Market, and featuring the sensational music of the Redhouse Family Jazz Band! Cost: $45 per person

Please RSVP with payment to Tucson Clean & Beautiful, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ  85726. For questions, please call (520) 791-3109.

The Green Living Fair

Location: Habitat for Humanity HabiStore, 3840 S. Palo Verde at Ajo (SW corner of Ajo and Palo Verde) Time: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Learn from the gurus of green, as local experts share tips, info, and ways to go green and save greenbacks at the Green Living Fair in Partnership with AFV Day Odyssey. Discover steps for energy savings, resource conservation, organic gardening, composting, green building/remodeling, weatherization, home water management, food choices, transportation options, zero waste, rain water harvesting, solar, and more. And, thanks to the partnership with AFV Day Odyssey, there will be several alternative fuel vehicles on-site to check out.

Curious about the HabiStore? The Green Living Fair in Partnership with AFV Day Odyssey gives you an opportunity to donate, shop for great deals, and explore ways to add more green to your life. The event is FREE and FREE green prizes will be given away during the Fair!  For more information - call the HabiStore at (520) 889-7200.

Southern Arizona Environmental Management Society: cleanup project

SAEMS volunteers will be holding another wildcat dump cleanup project on Saturday October 16, 2010 from 7:00 – 11:00 a.m. Help clean up loose litter and larger dumped items littering our beautiful desert. Meet on Old Vail Connection Rd. just west of Swan Rd. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 14, 2010. A map and directions to the exact meeting site will be provided to those that RSVP. Must be at least 12 years of age to volunteer. For more information and to sign up, contact B.J. Cordova, (520) 791-3109 or

Tucson Green Infrastructure Tour with Watershed Management Group

Saturday, October 168am-12:30pm

Tucson is emerging as a regional and national leader in the implementation of green infrastructure strategies.  Green infrastructure uses natural processes to provide environmental services.  Many local examples use small basins to capture, clean, and infiltrate stormwater from streets and parking lots, while providing passive irrigation to gardens of native plants.

Join Watershed Management Group's Green Streets-Green Neighborhoods Program Manager James MacAdam on a tour of some of Tucson's finest applications of green infrastructure, including business parking lots that demonstrate Tucson's new Commercial Water Harvesting Ordinance; residential neighborhoods that have been extensively retrofitted with street-side rain gardens; University sites that capture and utilize rainfall from rooftops and parking lots as well as waste water from AC units and water fountains; and green infrastructure in Tucson's downtown redevelopment projects.

The cost of the tour is $20 per person, and includes van transportation as well as light breakfast and snack foods.  The tour is limited to 14 participants, and registration is required.  To register, contact James MacAdam at 520-396-3266,  For more information, visit

Hazardous Household Waste

On Saturday December 4, 2010 and the first Saturday of each month thereafter, 8am-12noon, the Household Hazardous Waste outreach sites (Oro Valley at 440 W. Calle Concordia; southwest Tucson, at 1102 W. Irvington Rd.; and east Tucson at 7575 E. Speedway Blvd.) are open to collect household hazardous waste items from residents. The main Household Hazardous Waste collection site at 2440 W. Sweetwater Dr., northwest of Prince Rd. and I-10, is also open to the public on every Friday and Saturday, excluding major holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

* Note: Household Hazardous Waste monthly outreach days will also begin to accept medications in October 2010 as part of the Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative.

Volunteers are also being sought for the outreach monthly sites. Free training is provided in advance. For more information on volunteering as well as items accepted and locations, visit or call (520) 690-5749.

Household Hazardous Waste

On Saturday October 2, 2010 and the first Saturday of each month thereafter, 8am-12noon, the Household Hazardous Waste outreach sites (Oro Valley at 440 W. Calle Concordia; southwest Tucson, at 1102 W. Irvington Rd.; and east Tucson at 7575 E. Speedway Blvd.) are open to collect household hazardous waste items from residents. The main Household Hazardous Waste collection site at 2440 W. Sweetwater Dr., northwest of Prince Rd. and I-10, is also open to the public on every Friday and Saturday, excluding major holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

* Note: Household Hazardous Waste monthly outreach days will also begin to accept medications in October 2010 as part of the Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative.

Volunteers are also being sought for the outreach monthly sites. Free training is provided in advance. For more information on volunteering as well as items accepted and locations, visit or call (520) 690-5749.

Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative

Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic in this country. One way people are getting addicted to dangerous drugs is by raiding the medicine cabinets of their friends and family. On Saturday, September 25, 2010, from 10am-2pm. All Tucson Police Department substations are operating collection sites on this day where you can turn in your unused, unneeded, and expired prescription medications - no questions asked. This is a free, anonymous service that will help keep your home safe and could save lives. What to bring: * all your expired or unused prescription drugs and medications

What not to bring: * no aerosols * glass containers * no injectables or syringes * no illegal drugs like cocaine, marijuana, meth, etc.

For more information visit the dispose-a-med program website at!